PNW District Board:
Director: Michael Humphrey, Portland OR
Asst District
Director: Gretchen Humphrey, Portland OR
Secretary: Barbara Lind, Tacoma WA
Treasurer: Katherine Johnson,
Portland OR
Prizes and Awards Chair: Caroline Fredette, Seattle WA
PNW District Appointments:
Consulting Rosarian Chair:
John Moe, Federal Way WA
Horticulture Judging Co-Chairs:
Lind, Tacoma WA
Jim Linman, Portland OR
Gretchen Humphrey, Portland OR
For a list of horticulture judges, contact one of the
Rose Arrangement Judging Chair:
Judy Fleck, Portland, OR
For a list of arrangement judges, contact the rose
arrangement chair.
Northwest Rosarian Bulletin Editor:
Judy Redmond, Woodinville WA
Photo Contest Chair:
Jolene Angelos, Kennewick WA
Membership Chair:
Terry Glickman Portland OR
Roses In Review Editor:
Karen Madsen, Puyallup WA
Dr. Deborah Erickson, Battle Ground WA
To Order
District Show Entry
Charold Baer, Portland OR