by Sue Hopkins, Past-President Heritage Roses
Northwest (and Rainy Rose Society member)
Did you find a new computer under the Christmas tree or make a
New Year‘s resolution that this is the year you‘re going online?Perhaps
you‘re determined to make 2010 a year of cataloging your roses, learning more about rose culture, or talking
with people in Great Britain, France, Japan or Australia about roses?
Maybe you‘re planning a trip or you simply want to see photos of other
rose growers‘ gardens. Have you figured out how to Google and now you wonder how to make use of being
friended onto Facebook? These are only a few of the myriad reasons that
more and more rose fans are going online. I‘ve compiled some of my
favorite sites to get you started. Here are friends old and new, inspiration and education, beauty and a
wider world. All of these websites offer links to other websites and
before you know it, you‘re off on your internet gardening adventure. If you come across Barking Dogs Garden or SeattleSuze, you‘ve found me, so stop by and say hello
or if you‘re shy, just have a look. Have fun!
Online Encyclopedia: 1) www.HelpMeFind.com: The worldwide rose, peony and clematis database of
descriptions,photographs, nurseries, gardens, references and more,
compiled through individual gardener contributions and maintained by a staff of expert volunteers. Free access to some portions of database, but because it only
lives through volunteerism, your best support is $24 or more annual
membership. Invaluable. 2) For pests and disease in the garden, check out Baldo Villegas‘ Bugs
Garden Communities: 1) www.Gardenweb.com Antique rose and rose forums The long-established website
now owned by I Village is the largest on the
Web and caters to gardeners, designers, cooks, pet owners, and photo galleries. The Antique Rose
Forum is the busiest of all online rose
forums. 2) www.Gardenbuddies.com: An international group of like-minded gardeners
covering multiple plants and topics, with forums that are particularly strong
on clematis and roses.
3) www.Greatrosarians.com: The website of Clair
Martin, curator of the Huntington Rose Garden and founder of Great Rosarians of the World awards. 4)
Facebook (www.facebook.com) is like the old corner store in a small town. Everyone you
know pops in on a pretty regular basis, you exchange a piece of current
news or opinion and take pleasure in seeing their faces, but you probably don‘t have time for a cup of coffee and a chat. On FB, you can join a group of like-minded people who care
about gardening or roses (ARS has a page, as does the spanking new
American Rose Exhibitors Society), send a virtual rose (even upload one of your own photos),
or just share a thought or a laugh. It‘s a light and easy way to be part of a
larger community of rose lovers without being overwhelmed by a need to
say or do anything. You can contribute a little or a lot – your call.
Rose Organizations: 1) American Rose Society www.ars.org -Membership includes a monthly magazine, an annual, and
fourspecialty journals. 2) Royal National Rose Society of United
Kingdom www.rnrs.org -a look at what‘s happening in the
3) Heritage Rose Foundation www.hrf.org - several forums that include frequent visits by experts
Heritage Rose Group www.heritagerosegroup.org
and locally, Heritage Roses Northwest
4) www.heritagerosesnorthwest.org
-websites withinformation about how to join local and national clubs.
Intriguing blogs: 1) Designer and Author, Carolyn Parker‘s
blog www.rosesfromatoz.com. 2) Heirloom Gardener, the gardening adventures of a NJ mother www.heirloomgardener.blogspot.com. 3) Roses and Stuff, a gardener‘s blog from Sweden,
written in Swedish and English www.rosorochris.blogspot.com. 4) Paul Barden‘s blog on hybridizing
roses www.paulbarden.blogspot.com.
Photographs: 1) Roger‘s Roses www.rogersroses.com the free website of Roger Phillips‘ rose photo
2) Paul Barden‘s Beyond Old Garden Roses www.rdrop.com/~paul.
Mail-Order Nurseries:
1) Northland Rosarium www.northlandrosarium.com
of Spokane, WA carries roses proven to flourish
in the PNW.
2) Rogue Valley Roses www.roguevalleyroses.com
on a hilltop in Medford, OR has a burgeoning collection
of roses in all classes. The owner, Janet Inada, is a longtime Rosarian
and speaks frequently to rose groups. 3) EuroDesert Roses in Morongo Valley,
CA www.eurodesertroses.com
offers roses from Cliff Orent‘s personal collection
of European, American and Australian roses of all classes with an
emphasis on rarities. 4) Palatine Roses www.palatineroses.com in Ontario, Canada offers the beautiful Freelanders and
Fairy Tales as well as many more moderns by Kordes and Buck. 5)
Vintage Gardens in Sebastopol, CA www.vintagegardens.com
offers the largest selection of roses in the U.S.A.,
including many difficult-to-find old hybrid teas and floribundas as well
as polyanthas and Old Garden Roses. 6) Chamblee Roses www.chambleeroses.com located in Tyler, TX has some of the best prices on the
largest plants, many with multiple canes.
Some of the forums and websites require you to sign on as a member,
establish a screen name and a password. There is usually no cost involved and
security is high within the sites, meaning that you‘re unlikely to be bothered by scammers. I have had no
trouble at all with personal information being given away without my permission,
other than Facebook. Facebook is now implementing privacy boundaries that you
control according to your desires, not theirs. If you have concerns, ask a friend for more information or ask people who are also on the site. There will always be people who are very
helpful and will walk you through the steps needed to reach your own comfort
level. What you‘ll find is that many of the people you thought had abandoned
gardening have simply become busier and are taking advantage of the opportunity to sit at their desks or in their
easy chairs and chat about roses from a comfortable spot in their own time at
their own pace. It‘s a virtual breath of fresh air.~